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How Teams are Formed

Youth Sports teams are formed by administrative staff.  They use friend request and geographical location as a basis for forming teams.  North Logan Recreation has youth signing up from all over cache valley and we do our best to accommodate the geographical  differences. Your child is mostly guaranteed to be on the same team as other participants who sign up requesting a friend or relative. Keep in mind that this is an opportunity for your child to create long lasting relationships with other kids in the valley. 

City of North Logan Recreation Department 


The City of North Logan Recreation Department has established a Code of Conduct which applies to all persons participating in any way in any North Logan City Recreation Department programs or facilities. All participants, volunteers, coaches, patrons, and spectators are expected to know, promote, and adhere to the following standards of conduct. General: 


1. Promote and encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for players, coaches, officials, participants, and employees. 

2. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or skill level. Putting down or demoralizing others is not acceptable.

3. Adhere strictly to the rules of the game/facility (including official’s or employee’s decisions) and do not attempt to change or manipulate those rules in order to win or for personal benefit.

4. No smoking, drinking, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed in the facilities or on playing fields.

5. Abuse or harassment of players, volunteers, coaches, officials, spectators, or employees in any form will not be tolerated. Bullying is a form of harassment which is also prohibited. 

6. Foul, abusive, profane, or vulgar language is prohibited and will not be tolerated. 

7. Fighting is prohibited. Fighting includes physical (hitting, pushing, touching, “getting in the face of”) or verbal (threatening, making fun of, calling names, cursing, arguing). 

8. Remember that youth programs are for the kids [to learn fundamentals, techniques, sportsmanship, teamwork, and have fun]; they are not for adults! Therefore, all kids deserve a right to fairness at all times.

9. Conduct yourself in a manner that would be an example and a role model to youth under your direction or in the vicinity. 

10. Coaches agree to support and work with assigned teams throughout the designated season, and agree to hold regular practices (at least once a week) and show up to scheduled games. 

11. Any equipment issued does not become personal property and all equipment must be returned in good condition to the City at a determined time. 

12. Promote teamwork, physical conditioning and teaching skills appropriate to the sport. Do not teach, encourage, or allow rough or dirty tactics of play. Anyone who does not comply with this policy, or who conducts himself or herself in any unbecoming manner, will be subject to disciplinary action including (but not limited to) verbal or written warning, being asked to vacate the premises, suspension, or expulsion from the program, class, facility, or field and associated privileges will be terminated without refund. Financial restitution may be required when appropriate. Criminal violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Sport Drills





American Football

Flag Football

Recreation Department

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